Secrets and solutions for dealing with flights, hotels, cruises and family travel, plus the best sites and apps for your digital travel toolkit.
Traveling to Sweden, Norway, and other Scandinavian countries comes with a unique set of challenges. Wendy Perrin can help you find the right trip planner.
Is it safe to travel to Turkey? That is a question I’ve been asked dozens of times over the past two decades, usually as a result of some scary news story.
Disney's new ticket pricing strategies could change your vacation plans. Here's what you need to know.
Mobile threat defense company Skycure says you should disconnect from Wi-Fi when traveling in certain high-risk destinations. Here's why.
Cruise Critic announced its list of the best cruise lines and ships of 2015, including the best new vessel and the most romantic cruise line.
You might not think of Florence as a kid-friendly city, but you just have to know how to do it right.
One year after Hurricane Odile, Los Cabos has rebounded and is ready for tourists. Here's what you need to know.
Geri S. Krauss is an attorney and savvy traveler. I found her perspective on working with my Trusted Travel Experts fascinating, and thought you would too.
If you’re looking for a deal on your next trip, skip the guidebook and read today’s financial news.
A year ago we launched The WOW List—my list of rigorously road-tested Trusted Travel Experts who design and book magical trips—and look at what we got for our first birthday.
Joe Brancatelli shares three incredibly smart tips that might just eliminate all travel stress entirely.
Canal barging is a type of cruise through Europe’s historic canals. It's about leisure, luxury, and hidden locations, and it should be on your travel list.
Wendy hand-picks the coolest American road trips, so that no matter where you are in the country, it’ll be easy for you to get in the car and drive.
If you don’t know Joe Brancatelli’s site,, then you’re not taking advantage of one of the best travel resources in existence.
Plan your South Africa trip in their winter: prices drop, crowds are smaller, and Cape Town and the winelands are still beautiful.
Whistler's Via Ferrata is one of the mountain’s best-kept secrets; very few locals have heard of it. So, of course, Wendy was willing to try it.
There are so many factors that affect the success of your cruise that it’s easy to make a rookie travel mistake. Here's how to avoid them.
I’m not a travel agent—I’m a journalist who has spent the past 30 years reporting on how to travel smarter. To maximize your experience, click to Ask Wendy for a personalized recommendation for trip ideas and custom-trip designers, tailored to your location and preferences.