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Wendy Wants To Amp Up Your Trip!

Find out how to add a surprise WOW Moment to your itinerary —  custom-designed for you, and complimentary!

A WOW Moment is an exclusive insider experience that helps make a trip extraordinary.  (Here’s a sampling.)  Each WOW Moment is totally different. They vary depending on a range of factors, including the country you’re headed to, the timing of your trip, logistics, availability, and more. 

After two qualifying trips, Wendy will email you a WOW Moment gift certificate, which you can then redeem on a future qualifying trip before the certificate’s expiration date. Read the “Program Rules and FAQs” below so that you know how the process works and you don’t miss out.


1. How do I earn a WOW Moment?
2. Which trips qualify?
3. How do I redeem my WOW Moment gift certificate?
4. Do WOW Moments expire?
5. Does a trip qualify if it’s arranged by someone Wendy is testing for The WOW List?
6. Why is Wendy giving travelers WOW Moments anyway?

1. How do I earn a WOW Moment?

You return from two qualifying trips and submit reviews of those trips within 90 days of your return date. Shortly after you submit your second review, we will email you a WOW Moment gift certificate for you to redeem on a future trip. We automatically email you the gift certificate; you don’t even have to ask for it!  Every set of three qualifying trips earns you a WOW Moment.
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2. Which trips qualify?

A trip will qualify if 3 criteria are met:

1. You must use Wendy’s questionnaire form when you contact the Trusted Travel Expert (TTE). That’s how Wendy learns about your trip so that she can monitor it, and that’s what registers you as a V.I.P. traveler. To reach Wendy’s questionnaire, browse The WOW List to find your ideal TTE, then click the black CONTACT button below that TTE’s listing, and you’ll reach Wendy’s form.  If you don’t use that form—if your initial contact with a TTE is by phone, for example, or via the TTE’s website—that trip will not qualify. The only way Wendy can ensure you end up with an extraordinary trip is if she’s in on your trip planning from the start.  NOTE: The WOW Moments program launched on October 18, 2015. Any trips that began with a form filled out before October 18, 2015, do not qualify.

2. You must review your trip within 90 days of your return date. Shortly after you get back, Wendy will invite you to review the services of the TTE you used. You have the choice of submitting a private review—for Wendy’s eyes only—or a public review that will be posted on WendyPerrin.com for everyone to read. It’s your honest reviews that determine who Wendy keeps on The WOW List and who gets removed.

3. The trip (the portion arranged by a TTE) must be five nights or longer.  A small segment of a trip—say, a day tour or a two-night stopover—is not the same thing as a trip. Wendy’s mission is for you to experience the magic of a start-to-finish journey arranged by a WOW Lister.  Complete trips—which we are defining as at least five nights in length—allow a TTE to shine and embellish your trip with special touches as your itinerary unfolds.  And Wendy and the TTE need at least five nights to work with in order to add a WOW Moment to an itinerary; otherwise time is too limited, and opportunities are too few, to work a meaningful surprise into your trip.

Are you traveling with friends?  Would the couple or family you’re traveling with like this trip to count toward a future WOW Moment for them too?  If so, one member of the other couple or family must submit Wendy’s questionnaire form at the start of the trip-planning process, the same way you did, and mention that you are traveling together. Have your friend go to the WOW List, search for the TTE you’ve chosen for your trip, click the TTE’s CONTACT button, and fill out the questionnaire.

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3. How do I redeem my WOW Moment gift certificate?

After you return from your second qualifying trip, and if you’ve submitted a review for each trip within 90 days of your return date, then you will receive by email a WOW Moment gift certificate for use on a future trip.

Redeem that certificate the next time you contact a Trusted Travel Expert (TTE) on The WOW List:  When you submit Wendy’s questionnaire form, a box will pop up where you can input your certificate number. 


1. Certificates cannot be redeemed on trips that are already in the works. We need to know at the start of the trip-planning process—meaning, at the time you submit Wendy’s questionnaire form—whether the itinerary will include a WOW Moment.  When a TTE has already made lots of plans for your trip, there is often no opportunity left to squeeze in a WOW Moment!

2. Redeem your certificate for a WOW Moment in the destination/specialty that the TTE is listed for on The WOW List. If somebody is listed for, say, Argentina, that signifies that Wendy is confident that that person can deliver a WOW Moment in Argentina. It does not signify the ability to deliver a WOW Moment in Peru or Colombia!

3. Do not redeem your certificate on a trip arranged by someone who is being tested for The WOW List. See FAQ #5 below: “Does a trip qualify if it’s arranged by someone Wendy is testing for The WOW List?”

4. Each certificate covers two people: the traveler who earned it, plus one travel companion. (If a WOW Moment certificate was earned by parents and children traveling together on both trips, and the family would like to enjoy the WOW Moment together, please write to questions@wendyperrin.com.)

5. Are you traveling with friends who would also like this trip to count toward a future WOW Moment? If so, one member of the other couple or family must submit Wendy’s questionnaire form for the same Trusted Travel Expert at the start of the trip-planning process and mention that you are traveling together.

6. Only one certificate may be redeemed per trip.

7. Remember, the WOW Moment is a surprise. Travelers do not get to pick their WOW Moment!

8. WOW Moments vary significantly, depending on your destination, trip timing, and TTE.

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4. Do WOW Moments expire?

 When your certificate arrives in your inbox, you have one year from that date to redeem your certificate. That means you have one year in which to book the trip; it does not mean you have only one year in which to take the trip. (WOW Moment gift certificates that were awarded early in the history of the program had no expiration date.)

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5. Does a trip qualify if it’s arranged by someone Wendy is testing for The WOW List?

Perhaps you weren’t even aware that there are numerous destination specialists whom Wendy is testing behind the scenes for possible inclusion on The WOW List, pending feedback from the travelers she sends to them.  Travelers who can’t find the person they need on The WOW List write to Ask Wendy, and that’s when Wendy often recommends one of these WOW List candidates.

Trips arranged by a WOW List candidate count toward a WOW Moment, as long as they meet all the other requirements listed in #2 above.  But Wendy does not recommend redeeming a WOW Moment gift certificate on a trip arranged by a WOW List candidate—for the obvious reason that Wendy does not know yet whether that person can deliver a true WOW Moment, since that person is still being tested.  In such cases, Wendy advises waiting and using your certificate on your next trip arranged by a full-fledged TTE on The WOW List, so please write to questions@wendyperrin.com so we can postpone your certificate expiration date.

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6. Why is Wendy giving travelers WOW Moments anyway?

First, Wendy wants to thank you for trying out her unprecedented WOW trip-planning system. Since its launch in September 2014, many of you have provided constructive feedback to help Wendy iron out the bugs and improve the system as it develops.

Second, Wendy wants to encourage you to use The WOW List in the way that is most beneficial to you, and she wants to incentivize you to submit a review every time you use a travel specialist who is on The WOW List or being tested for it. It’s your reviews that determine who earns a spot on, or gets removed from, the List. It’s your reviews that keep The WOW List up-to-the-minute accurate and reliable.

Third, Wendy is well aware that, as travelers continue to use TTEs for trip after trip, their standards and expectations grow higher and higher with each trip. WOW Moments are a way to ensure that your TTE-designed trips just keep getting better.
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If you have any other questions, please write to questions@wendyperrin.com.

Happy travels!

9/11 September 11 Memorial’s South Pool

5 Free Things to Do in America’s Cities

You know who loves free stuff? Everybody. Especially when you’re traveling. So whether you’re taking a summer vacation across America or enjoying a staycation in your hometown, you’ll be happy to know that some of the coolest and most iconic attractions are no-cost.

So put your wallets away and bookmark this list of free worldly pursuits from New York City to Los Angeles and many cities in between. You can see my full list over on the TripAdvisor blog, but here’s a sneak peek so you can start checking these American must-do’s off your travel bucket list asap. After all, it’s not like you’ve got anything to lose.


The Freedom Trail, Boston
Many Boston neighborhoods feel like outdoor museums, but the Freedom Trail is the ultimate. Follow the red line and you’re on a 2.5-mile historic trail that leads you past unique historic sites from the American Revolution. The Freedom Trail app isn’t free, but the $4.99 price tag goes to preserve the buildings you’ll see.

The Getty Center, Los Angeles
This complex of art, architecture, and gardens is rated the #1 thing to do in L.A. by the TripAdvisor community. In summertime on Fridays and Saturdays it’s open till 9:00 pm so you can enjoy the sunset and twilight views. The Getty Villa, the collection of Greek and Roman antiquities, is free too. There’s a parking fee of $15 per car, but that fee covers parking at both sites, and the sites are also accessible by public transit.

The National September 11 Memorial, New York City
Entry to the September 11 Museum costs $24, but you can take in the Memorial for free. #4 on TripAdvisor’s list of the most popular landmarks in America, it’s an eight-acre park with twin reflecting pools that sit within the footprints where the Twin Towers once stood and feature the largest manmade waterfalls in North America.

New Orleans Jazz National Historic Park, New Orleans
This is the place for free live educational jazz performances, presented both at the Old U.S. Mint and at the Park’s French Market Visitor Center. Even the park rangers perform! Concerts are live streamed; listen in here and you’ll be itching to book a trip to NOLA.

The Smithsonian Museums, Washington, D.C.
Is there any U.S. city that’s a better bargain for museum lovers than Washington, D.C.? The National Gallery of Art (rated the #1 thing to do in D.C. by TripAdvisor travelers), the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (rated #5), the National Air and Space Museum (#10), and all the other favorites on the National Mall are free, as are top landmarks such as the Lincoln Memorial (rated #2), the Washington Monument, and much more.

Read Wendy’s full list of outstanding free things to do over on her blog at TripAdvisor.